Falling behind...

Today was quite possibly the longest day ever! This day was started with the worst night of sleep I have had in a long time. It was multiple dreams of me over sleeping, and being very late to work. Being a nurse at work I am surrounded by beeping. Call lights, IV pumps, bed alarms, telemetry monitors, low batteried computers, blood pressure machines, phones ringing (not a beep but still a never ending noise on the floor), they all beep. When I first stated working in the hospital as a nurse tech, I would wake out of a deep sleep because I thought I heard call bells going off. I can only guess that all this anxiety last night was stemming from the time change, and being afraid my alarm wouldn't go off at the right time. Just seems crazy to me that I would let that cause such anxiety. Anyways... long night, followed by a crazy day in the hospital, which I would have loved to be followed by a nice relaxing sunday evening. But alas, so is life right now. Just weathering this storm for the greater good. Until this storm passes, I will keep pinning on pinterest all my hopes and dreams!- Mommy Spooner
PS: I still have halloween pics, along with Auntie Cole's wedding pics... just need to have some time!


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