Quiet Weekend off...

Another weekend wasted... No not really. Spent the morning yesterday with Nana at Pat Catans picking up stuff for Auntie Cole's Bridal Shower/Bachelorette Party. After the shower will post the cute stuff we got (cannot ruin the surprises). The Little Spooner got to go see The "Murf" movie (Little Spooner does not belive in the letter 's'- as evidenced by pronouncing her last name as Pooner) with Muh, Aunt Heila and all her little cousins.

Was really hoping to start on the Pallet Loungers this weekend, but that doesn't seem to be happening... and the upcoming week is not too promising either (considering I work the next 8 DAYS in a ROW!!). I will hopefully atleast gather the stuff one morning this week and start sanding them down. I also need to settle on a color so I can find some fabric as to make the cushions for them. Here are some color options...
Behr- Havasu 520B-7,  Caterpillar 430B-6, Dark Cavern 790F-7

I should probably pick out the pattern/fabric for the cushions that I like and then match the paint... might be more difficult to find fabric to match the paint color. Guess I have to head to JoAnn's at some point this week as well (DARN!). :)  Untill further progress is made... Hopefully I will survive the upcoming week!- Mommy Spooner


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